Joel Kitching
2005-07-18 19:09:28 UTC
Hey, I'm considering learning the Dvorak left-hand layout.
Dvorak, Left Hand
`~ [{ ]} /? pP fF mM lL jJ 4$ 3# 2@ 1!
;: qQ bB yY uU rR sS oO .> 6^ 5% =+ \|
-_ kK cC dD tT hH eE aA zZ 8* 7&
'" xX gG vV wW nN iI ,< 0) 9(
... but nowhere have I found a decisive answer as to where the "home"
spot on the keyboard is found. My guess would be is that it is
directly in the middle of the home row, which is FGHJ (on a QWERTY
keyboard), but I can't be sure this is right. Can anyone tell me for
Dvorak, Left Hand
`~ [{ ]} /? pP fF mM lL jJ 4$ 3# 2@ 1!
;: qQ bB yY uU rR sS oO .> 6^ 5% =+ \|
-_ kK cC dD tT hH eE aA zZ 8* 7&
'" xX gG vV wW nN iI ,< 0) 9(
... but nowhere have I found a decisive answer as to where the "home"
spot on the keyboard is found. My guess would be is that it is
directly in the middle of the home row, which is FGHJ (on a QWERTY
keyboard), but I can't be sure this is right. Can anyone tell me for